YogaFit Personal Training Insurance

Personal Training Insurance For YogaFit Teachers

YogaFit is a modern version of an adapted yoga practice that specifically focuses on the physicality of yoga and uniquely tailors it for fitness environments. YogaFit most closely resembles Hatha Yoga— that being said, YogaFit is a branch of modern yoga that is truly all its own.

Created in Los Angeles in the mid-1990s, YogaFit is built on a foundation of yoga practice that uniquely blends fitness and traditional yoga asanas—often, it’s thought of as a remix of traditional yoga with a huge emphasis on the physical fitness aspect—often, yoga poses will be sprinkled throughout other types of fitness movements like squats, sit-ups, pushups, and other similar traditional methods of exercise.

Notably, the YogaFit environment is substantially different from that of a traditional yoga class. While other branches or disciplines of yoga will create am ambiance with soft lighting, warmth, and relaxation, a YogaFit class will, more than likely, occur in a setting that resembles a gym.

beYogi has worked with YogaFit to bring awareness and provide education from this lense including two 1 hour workshops.

beYogi Webinars Hosted by YogaFit Trainer, Renee Harrington

An Introduction To Yoga For Athletes

Yoga For Athletes: A Deeper Dive

The most poignant difference of YogaFit versus other styles or disciplines of yoga is the foundational focus on physicality overall. A YogaFit class will not likely include meditation, chanting, or a focus on breath to movement linkage. The overall goal of YogaFit is to grow a student’s physical practice by combining elements of traditional yoga poses with more fitness-oriented movements and ambiance.

There are many unique styles of YogaFit—including Vinyasa and power-flow based classes—but overall, the general YogaFit concept is the same—linking and meshing physical fitness in a health club environment with traditional yoga practices.

Do YogaFit Teachers Need Liability Insurance?

Just like any other type of exercise or style of yoga, YogaFit comes with its own inherent benefits—but it also comes with its own inherent risks, too. Because YogaFit focuses on the physicality of yoga along with powerful moves, vigorous movements, and traditional exercise styles, the potential for injury, accident, negligence, and damages are possible.

Unfortunately, when accidents and injuries occur, the blame is often placed on the instructor—whether that claim is founded or not.

As a certified, professional YogaFit instructor, it’s vital that you’re protected and safeguarded against the damages these claims could cause to your career, your future, and your reputation. It’s crucial to find the right insurance partner and policy that understand the unique needs and risks associated with YogaFit

That’s where beYogi can help.

At beYogi, we’re proud to back YogaFit instructors. We understand the unique and inherent risks that are associated with this specific practice of yoga—that’s why our policy is designed to specifically protect you against these risks.

Our all-inclusive liability coverage—general and professional included—ensures that we can protect you against claims, allegations, or accidents that occur, leaving you with the peace of mind needed to focus on what you do best—being an amazing YogaFit instructor.

Purchase today for only $179. That us just $14.91/month!