Hatha Yoga Insurance

Hatha Yoga Insurance

When you hear the term Hatha Yoga, it’s important to realize that Hatha doesn’t refer to one specific type of yoga, rather, an overarching umbrella that describes a fundamental branch of yoga—and that umbrella includes several types of styles of yoga underneath it.

Directly translated, Hatha means willful or forceful, so Hatha yoga can be technically considered as anything you might do with your body. Think of Hatha Yoga as a general term that refers to any specific type of yoga that teaches physical postures (asanas), mantras (chanting), mudra (hand gesture), and pranayama (breathing exercises) to help bring peace to the mind and strengthen the body while preparing for spiritual practices like meditation.

While Hatha Yoga has been around for centuries and while several variations of it have cropped up over the years. In fact, nearly every type of yoga class taught in the West could be considered Hatha Yoga.

The practice generally focuses on fostering the ideal mind and body harmony and tends to veer away from rigorous breath-to-movement flows that are often associated with Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga styles. In other words, Hatha yoga is typically thought of as a gentle class that’s accessible to beginners and likely won’t have your students working up an intense sweat; instead, they’ll feel looser, more relaxed, and well-stretched.

Because Hatha Yoga encompasses so many types and styles of yoga, it’s crucial for yoga instructors to ensure that they have the right type of professional liability insurance to safeguard their careers, their reputations, and their finances.

Just as Hatha Yoga is an umbrella branch that can include so many types of yoga styles, it also inherently is an umbrella that encompasses all sorts of injuries. Just like other branches of yoga, Hatha Yoga can easily lend itself to client injuries—from minor injuries like overstretching to major accidents like breaks or strains to indirect accidents like slipping and falling, Hatha Yoga comes with its own set of inherent risks.

Hatha Yoga Insurance is a must-have investment for Hatha Yoga instructors just like you in order to ensure that—should a claim, allegation, or legal situation arise—your specific branch of Hatha Yoga is covered.

At beYogi, we’re proud to have your back when it comes to proper Hatha Yoga liability insurance.

With all-inclusive policies that cover general, professional, and product liability elements, beYogi can cover the most specific styles to the most generalized practices. No matter what type of yoga style you teach at your studio, beYogi has a uniquely created policy specifically designed for Hatha Yoga instructors just like you.

Ready to learn more about how beYogi’s can help you protect yourself, your career, and your reputation against liability issues, claims, and allegations? We thought you might be.

Check out our Hatha Yoga Insurance policy options right here