sisterhood in yoga
A Call for Sisterhood in the Yoga Studio
March 5, 2019
A Yin Yoga Sequence for Spring That Will Bring Renewal
March 12, 2019

Springing into March, the seasons are on the verge of a major shift. This time of year not only symbolizes regrowth and weather changes, but also endless amounts of fresh blooms.

Incorporating essential oils for spring into your yoga practice can allot the opportunity of reaching new heights as well as healing benefits. Essential oils are a great homeopathic alternative to allergy relief, among a list of other interactive benefits.

Within the world of essential oils, the citrus family offers a broad spectrum of user friendly options. Due to their general energizing and uplifting constitution, this is a great place for new essential oil users to start. Exploring various essential oil combinations help provide an array of scented constellations. Allowing you to fuse your self-liberation with self-exploration through your yoga practice!

Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit oil keeps the skin clean and frees the body of any unwanted toxins. Inhaling this oil can stimulate the brain by invigorating the mind and body with scent-sational energy!

As a natural immunity booster, this oil can also aid in the fight against seasonal allergies or pathogens. There are several ways you can incorporate grapefruit oil into your yoga practice, one being through an essential oil diffuser. Adding two or three drops of this oil to your diffuser while practicing yoga can also help alleviate stress and anxiety.

Another way that you can incorporate this uplifting oil into your yoga practice is to use it when you create a yoga mat spray. Adding 10 to 20 drops of this sanitizing oil to a glass spray bottle and topping it off with distilled water, can create an amazing multipurpose spray. 

Try misting this spray on your chest, palms, or in the air. By doing this you can calm your nervous system, allowing you to go deeper into a meditative state.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is great when talking about essential oils for spring. This oil offers an instant energy boost, mental clarity, and respiratory clearing. 

This oil is the perfect accompaniment to your yoga practice due to the calming and cooling nature of this topical muscle relaxer. Sinking further into seemingly unattainable postures by opening the body, allowing you to go deeper into these spaces.

For all the yoginis out there, this essential oil is extremely helpful during that special time of the month. Placing a few drops in your palm and rubbing them into the lower back and abdominal area implement instantaneous cramping alleviation.

For internal use, peppermint contains antimicrobial properties useful for freshening your breath. Adding 10 drops to coconut oil and baking soda can make the ideal base for a great homemade toothpaste. It's soothing digestive properties help to cool the body from the inside out. By incorporating a drop or two into your bottle of water bring your hydration quality to rejuvenating heights.

Peppermint oil also stimulates the hair follicles promoting the possibility of hair growth and regrowth on your scalp. Combing ten drops to your favorite shampoo or massaging two to three drops topically may also inhibit some form of hair regeneration.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is the most gentle and versatile of these essential oils for spring bunch. This natural component is a common ingredient amongst most bedtime remedies. It's calming and soothing characteristics help with relaxation and insomnia. 

This oil also helps in treating nausea, nose bleeds, and dry or chapped skin. Massaging two or three drops into the skin may also improve blood circulation and exhibit a stimulating effect on urine flow.

For all the yoga teachers out there, lavender is a suitable choice for hands on assists. Some essential oils for spring may cause skin irritations and prompt allergy issues, this oil falls to the bottom of this list.

Marrying this liquid elixir with your diffuser increases cognitive function while battling respiratory tract infections. It’s safe for oral ingestion, so this healing solvent can help boost immunity and digestive health. The number one contender for home diffusion, incorporating lavender into your yoga practice inhibits outside distractions. Helping you slip deeper into a meditative state as you find your center as one with the universe.

Grapefruit, peppermint, and lavender are three perquisite introductions to the cosmos of aromatherapy through essential oils for spring. These interactive healers are a nontoxic alternative to manmade additives for treating most of life's ailments.