beYogi supports yoga teachers and YTT students with yoga liability insurance that covers you in-person, live online and with on-demand video. Plus, our policies cover you for over 450+ wellness modalities including meditation!
Despite a yoga instructor's best efforts to teach safe yoga practices, injuries do happen. And they can be financially devastating without the backing of a solid insurance plan. beYogi has you covered with professional and student yoga insurance coverage.
beYogi has negotiated with our underwriter a special discount for students about to become a yoga teacher for just $60 a year. It is the same coverage as the professional policy and comes with all member benefits.
To be eligible for our student rate, you must be enrolled initial certification (usually 200-hour) on the effective date of coverage. Our student policy will only cover you for the disciplines and methods that is in your course work.
Coverage Details (Student & Pro)
Professional/General Liability: $2 Million per occurrence / $3 Million annual aggregate
Advertising Injury & Personal Injury: $2 Million
Identity Theft Protection: $25,000
Insider Tip
A YTT student can buy a $60 student insurance policy on the last day of their training before they are certified, and that policy is good for the next 364 days even if they are teaching full time.
Coverage that Follows You
You are covered wherever you teach: in-studio, outside, private lessons, online livestreaming, and pre-recorded video. Plus get an instant certificate and proof of insurance as soon as you checkout.
500+ Modalities Covered—No Extra Cost
For one low price, you’re covered for over 450 yoga, massage, & beauty modalities like yoga therapy, meditation, Pilates, hot stone, reiki, cupping, sound healing and many more. See all ›
Insurance Marketplace
Get access to affordable health care, vision and dental. Plus get the option to obtain Telehealth allowing you to consult with a physician 24/7/365 via telephone, video, or mobile app—with only a $10 copay.
Our student policy will only cover you for the disciplines and methods that is in your course work.
Acro Yoga Acu-Yoga Acupressure Acuu-Yoga AMMA Amrit Ananda Anusara Ashtanga Ayurveda (excludes nutrition/diet) Baptiste Bhakti Bikram Body Work Therapy Buti Yoga Chair Yoga Chi Kung Chi Nei Tsang Core Power Yoga Forrest
Hatha Instruction Integral Integrative ISHTA Iyengar Japa Jivamukti Jnana Kali Ray TriYoga Kharma Kripalau Kundalini Laughing Massage Therapists Medical Qigong Meditation Naam Yoga Therapy Nidra Yoga (Form of meditation) Nuad Bo 'Rarn
Phoenix Rising Power Power Prenatal Primordial Energetics Raja Reflexologists Reiki Practitioners Restorative Sculpt yoga Sivananda Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga Svaroopa® Tibetan Cranial Tuina Viniyoga Vinyasa White Lotus Yin Yoga Therapy* YogaFit® Personal Training
*Coverage for Yoga Therapy is only available for those professionals who (1) are a certified yoga therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists; (2) provide a client information document to their clients explaining the nature and extent of the services being provided; and (3) understand and communicate to their clients that Yoga Therapy is not a licensed healthcare profession in the state or jurisdiction in which they practice.
Abhynanga Acrosage Active Isolated Stretching Active Myofascial Acu-Kinesiology Acupressure Acutonics Ai Chi Alexander Technique Amma Therapy Animal Acupressure Animal Massage Anma Therapy Applied Kinesiology Aqua Massage ARC Technique Aroma Freedom Technique Aroma Reflex Therapy Aromatherapy Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy Ashi-Thai Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy Asian Bodywork Therapy Aston Patterning Asymmetric Body Balancing Asymmetric Body Balancing Attunement Attunement Ayurvedic Massage B.E.S.T Baboossage Bach Flower Remedies Bach Flower Remedies - Topicals Balinese Massage Balneotherapy Bamboo Fusion Bamboossage Barbara Brennan Technique Barefoot Shiatsu BART Belavia Facelift Massage Benjamin System of Muscular Therapy Berry Method Bindegewebs Massage Bindi Bio Touch Healing Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Bioenergetics Bioenergy Massage Biomagnetic Touch Healing Biomagnetism Biosonic Repatterning Biosync Body Image Enrichment Body Logic Body Talk Body Wraps Body-Mind Centering BodyTalk Bodywork for the Childbearing year Bonnie Bainbridge Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen System Bowen Technique Breast Massage Breathing Techniques Breema Breathwork Bridgewebs Massage Canadian Deep Muscle Massage Cayce/Reilly Massage Chair Massage Champissage Chi Gong Chi Nei Tsang Chikly Brain Curriculum Chinese Massage Chubinsky Method Classical Massage Cohen System Color Light Therapy (no lasers) Complete Decongestive Therapy Connective Tissue Massage CORE Bodywork Core Energetics Corepower Yoga Cranial Release Technique Cranial Soft Tissue Release Craniosacral Therapy Critz Technique Cross Fiber Massage Crystal Therapy Cupping Cyriax Massage Deep Muscle Massage Deep Tissue Massage Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage Ear Candling Eden Energy Medicine Egoscue Method Emotion Code Emotional Freedom Technique Energetic Transformation Energy Balancing Energy Healing Techniques Energy Kinesiology Equine Massage Equine Reiki Equirub
Equirub Equissage Equissage Esalen Massage Essential Oils Massage Facial Massage Fascial and Membrane Technique Feldenkrais Method Feng Shui Fertility Massage Figian Massage Fijian Massage Fire Cupping Five Element Shiatsu Forearm Dance Technique Four-Hand Massage Full Spectrum Energy Medicine Functional Range Release G-Jo Acupressure Geriatric Massage Gua Sha H.E.A.R.T. Hakomi Hama Massage Hand Reflexology Hannah Somatic Education Hawaiian Bodywork Healing Touch Hellerwork Hemme Approach Hoffa Massage Technique Holistic Massage Holotropic Breathwork Hoshino Therapy Hot Stone Massage Hot Towels Hydrocollator Hotpacs Hydrotherapy IGM Method Indian Head Massage Infant Massage Injury Massage Innovative Pet Therapy Insight Bodywork Instruction Integrated Awareness Integrated energy Therapy Integrative Accupressure Integrative Eclectic Shiatsu Internal Organ Massage Intra-Oral Massage Ionic Footbath IP Touch Jamu Massage Japanese Shiatsu Jin Shin Jyutsu Kiatsu Kinesiology Kinesiology Taping Kinessage Kripalu Bodywork Kriya Massage Kurashova Massage LaStone Therapy Lava Shell Technique LED Lights LHE Phototherapy (no lasers) Light of Life Energy Lomilomi Longevity Energetics Looyen Work Lymphatic Drainage Massage Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Lymphedma Therapy Lypossage Macrobiotic Shiatsu Magnet Therapy Manual Massage Therapy Manual vacuum Cupping (silicone/plastic/vacuum machine) Massage Therapy Instruction Maya Abdominal Massage McMillan Massage Technique Mechanical Link Medical Massage Medical Qigong Therapy MELT Method Mennell Massage Technique Mentastics Merciér Therapy Micro Needling Mother Massage Moxibustion Multireflexology - Dien Chan Muscle Activation Technique Muscle Energy Technique Myofascial Release Myomassology Myopractics Myoskeletal Alignment Technique Myotherapy Nalneotherapy Naprapathy Nepali Massage Neural Manipulation Neuromuscular Reprogramming Neuromuscular Therapy New Manual Articular Approach Nidra Yoga
Niel-Asher Technique Nuad Bo’ Rarn Nurse Massage Ohashiatsu Okazaki Restorative Massage On-Site Massage Oncology Massage Ortho-Bionomy Orthopedic Massage Pediatric Massage Percussion Massage Pet Massage Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy PNF Stretches Polarity Therapy Positional Release Postural Integration Practical Movement Pranic Healing Pregnancy Massage Prenatal Massage Process Acupressure Push Therapy Qigong Quantum-Touch Raindrop Therapy Range of Motion Rapid Neurofascial Reset Raynor Massage Therapy Reconnective Healing Reflexology Reflexology Instruction Reiki Remedial Massage Rolfing Structural Rosen Method Rossiter Stretching Rossiter System Rubenfeld Synergy Method Russian Massage Rys Thomas Energy Medicine Sabai of Sa-wan Therapy SacroOccipital Technique Safe Touch Massage Schulman Therapy Sculpt Yoga Seated Massage Sensory Repatterning Shen Jing Acupressure Shiastu Shiatsu Amma Therapy Soma Neuromuscular Integration Somatic Therapy SomatoEmotional Release Sound Healing Sound Therapy SourcePoint Therapy Sports Massage St. John Neuromuscular Therapy Steamy Wonder System Stone Therapy Strain-Counterstrain Stretching Techniques Structural Energetic Therapy Structural Integration Sugar Scrub Swe-Thai Massage Swedish Massage Tai Chi Tapping Techniques Tellington Touch Temporomandibular Therapy Thai Herbal Compress Technique Thai Massage Thai Yoga Massage The Healing Code Therapeutic Touch Therapy- The Diamond Method Theresa Primmer Method of Deep Thumper Massage Tian Di Bamboo Massage Tibetan Massage Tim Tam Topicals Total Body Balancing Touch For Health Touch Therapy Instructors Touch to T.E.A.C.H. Trager Work Trauma Erase Trauma Touch Therapy Trigger Point Therapy Tsubo Point Therapy Tuina Tuning Forks Vedic Massage Venus freeze Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy Visceral Manipulation Warm Bamboo Massage Watsu Wurn Technique Yamuna Body Rolling Yuen Method Zen Shiatsu Zero Balancing Zone Therapy
Aerobics Apparatus (Pilates) Aqua Fit Aquatic Barre Biodanza Body Beast Cardio CardioCore Children's Fitness
Circuit Training Cize Cross Training Curves Dance Instruction Dancercize Exercise Group Fitness Gyrotonic Instruction (Pilates)
Kickboxing (non-contact) Les Mils Programs Mat (Pilates) P90X Pilates Pilates- Apparatus Pilates- Instruction Pilates-Mat Spinning
Acne treatments Acrylic Airbrush designs Body scrub Charms Chemical peel (no lasers) Chemical wave Children's Services Cold Light Series 6 Facials Color consultations Cosmetic massage Custom wrap Dermaplanning Design, Cut and Color Design, cut and style Endermologie Esthetics Eyebrow shaping Eyebrow tinting Eyelash Extensions Eyelash Lift Facials Fade Cuts Fade Designs False nails Flash or Balyage
Foot scrubs Gel Gems Glitter Grooming Hair bleaching Hair coloring Hair extensions Hair removal (no lasers) Hair Shaping Hair treatments Hairshaping Henna Herbal wraps Highlights Instruction Make-up (not permanent) Manicures Micro needling Micro-current Toning Microblading* Microchanneling Microdermabrasion Nail art Nail Extension Nail repair
Is Meditation Covered Under beYogi Insurance Policies?
Yes! Meditation is covered under our Student, Part Time, Full Time, and 2 Year policies. Plus We cover over 60 more yoga styles and over 490 different modalities.
Does my student policy cover me even after I'm certified and begin teaching full-time?
Yes, as long as you are a student on the effective date of coverage and have not graduated, your policy will automatically convert to a professional policy and you will be fully covered for the remaining year. The student policy has the same coverage as the professional policy, with only one difference: our student policies will only cover the discipline you are in school for. With our $179 full-time professional policy, you are also covered for 490+ other modalities in the disciplines of massage, beauty and fitness. A student policy will not include these. Also if you are being certified for yoga instruction, your coverage will not include "YogaFit" or "Yoga Therapy" be covered for these under the student policy, you must take these specific certifications.
Do yoga student teachers really need insurance?
In short, most definitely. BeYogi’s yoga student teacher insurance is an extremely affordable way to cover yourself from possible liabilities and other losses that can occur even while still in training. As a student, you're developing the skills you’ll need to become a full-fledged yoga instructor. While you may still be in school, you’ll still be directing yoga practitioners and providing instruction, making you vulnerable to the risks of a liability lawsuit and other loss events.
Claims made against you or your business, and other unforeseen events can cost thousands of dollars. One of the wisest investments you can make early in your career is purchasing comprehensive student teaching insurance coverage.
What could student yoga teachers be liable for?
Unfortunately, in our society lawsuits are an everyday fact of life. Even as a student teacher, you can find yourself pulled into a lawsuit during your training. Simply over stretching a student during a pose or a student passing out in their session can open you up to a liability claim.
Does beYogi yoga student teacher insurance cover me if I’m injured during training?
No, beYogi student teacher insurance coverage contains coverage for third-party liability claims against when someone claims loss or harm against you, such as those which would fall under general and professional liability. Your injuries would either be covered by your individual medical insurance or possibly the facility’s where your injury occurred.
How does occurrence form coverage work?
Occurrence form coverage means if a claim is filed against you after your policy is no longer effective you’re covered as long as the incident in question occurred while your policy was still in effect. For a deep-dive into occurrence form coverage, click here.
What additional benefits does beYogi yoga student teacher insurance provide?
In addition to covering you for general and professional liability, beYogi provides over $300 in additional member benefits for students in teacher training. beYogi’s identity protection plan ensures no one can use your personal information against you and you can continue learning and growing in your practice.
We’ll also set you up with your very own free, professional website giving you a tremendous opportunity to start building a community around your future practice while still in training. Finally, a crowd favorite, we have partnered with leading names in the yoga industry to offer you exclusive, members-only discounts and special offers on an incredible variety of yoga gear, classes, and memberships. We’re continually adding additional discount programs so be sure to check-in for the latest offers.
What kind of insurance does a yoga student teacher need?
The best yoga insurance for students in teacher training is a plan that covers the full extent of everyday liabilities that can present themselves to yoga student teachers. Even for experienced yogis seeking certification, accidents can, and do, occur. However, our plans cover much more than just claims for loss or harm brought against you. Student teacher liability insurance from beYogi was developed by yogis for yogis.
Our plans provide general and professional liability, a large individual annual aggregate, identity protection, and includes over $300 in ancillary member benefits.
Can I get the student policy for my 300-hour certification?
Unfortunately the answer is NO. Only students enrolled in their initial license or certification course for the profession selected as primary modality qualify for a student policy. For yoga, this is typically the 200-hour. Also, a student policy can only be purchased by an insured 1 time.
What does individual annual aggregate mean?
This is the maximum amount of money insurance will pay during the 12-month policy period of beYogi’s student insurance plan, regardless of how many claims are filed. Under beYogi’s student insurance plan, you have $2 million of coverage for each claim filed and up to a $3 million annual maximum, or aggregate, for all claims occurring in that year. An individual aggregate simply means your claims aren’t being pooled with others - you alone receive up to $3 million for all claims during the policy period.
How much does beYogi yoga student teacher insurance cost?
For just $60, you get covered for the full length of your Registered Yoga Trainer (RYT) certification, or up to 12-months of coverage. All-in, total, done, finito. You can be confident that the low cost of beYogi’s student teacher insurance plan is cost-effective protection for setting up a successful future practice. At just $60, beYogi insurance for students enrolled in yoga teacher training is vastly less than the cost of a potential claim. Better still, when your training is complete your policy automatically upgrades to a full beYogi yoga instructor policy. At a lower entry price point, the student teacher insurance policy is one of our best deals.
Does my yoga school or studio cover me if a claim is made against me?
In most cases, no, your school or studio’s insurance would not cover you if a claim was brought against you and the school or studio may even face liability of their own. That’s why an affordable student teaching insurance plan is crucial towards protecting your ability to continue practicing what you love.
Why would I need professional liability insurance before completing certification?
During your training, you’ll be learning proper alignment and modifications of a wide variety of different poses and modalities. Most certifications require hands-on experience to demonstrate proficiency. If a student you were working with happened to be injured while you were helping them, a claim against you could result. Because this occurred while you were providing a professional service, the claim would fall under professional liability. When you have beYogi student teaching insurance, you are covered for these types of claims all the way up to $2 million per claim.
Is a beYogi student teaching insurance policy only good for one location?
Nope and nope. The beauty of our student teaching policy is that the coverage is with you no matter where you’re learning or practicing. From formal studio sessions to laid-back pool deck vinyasas, you’ll have peace of mind and spirit knowing beYogi student teaching insurance has you covered.
After paying my premium, when will I receive proof of coverage?
Immediately. As soon as you click your way through online forms and submit payment you will be emailed a confirmation containing proof of insurance. We want to make insurance easy and accessible so you can stay focused on learning the art of healing yoga therapies.