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Yogic Practices for Muladhara Chakra Activation

1st chakra

The root of all the chakrasmuladhara is the seat of the kundalinithe dormant energy that resides within each of us. Its awakening is very important to the process of enlightenment.

However, until muladhara is purified the mind will remain tamasic, stuck in attachments and delusions.

About muladhara chakra

Muladhara is located inside the perineum in males; halfway between the anus and scrotum. In women, it’s located on the rear side of the cervix.

Muladhara relates to the reproductive, excretory, and urinary organs. This includes the rectum, large intestine, bones, teeth, legs, and spine. Physical dysfunctions can manifest in the form of sciatica, back pain, and immune disorders.

As muladhara is the first and base of all chakras, its influences are the base of our whole being. It gives us our sense of groundedness and security, as well as the feelings of safety and stability.

Imbalance can make us feel ungrounded, fearful, and lower our self-esteem. Muladhara also holds all of our passions, including our agonies and complexes. Try these yogic practices for muladhara chakra activation.

Grounding asana

Hero pose 

Sanskrit: Virasana


  1. Sit with your legs folded underneath you in Thunderbolt pose, knees together.
  2. Slide your feet out from under you so that they’re resting along your outer thighs. The backs of your feet will be against the floor and your big toes will point slightly inward. You can grab the insides of your calves and rotate them outward to make the pose feel more spacious.
  3. Rest your hands on your knees, palms down.
  4. Reach the crown of your head toward the sky and melt your shoulders down your back.
  5. Find expansiveness in your chest. Close your eyes and settle in.
  6. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds or up to a few minutes.
  7. To come out of the pose, push your hands into the floor to lift your hips.
  8. Swing your feet to one side and stretch your legs in front of you.

Warrior II pose 

Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II


  1. Begin standing with your feet together.
  2. Step your feet about 3 to 3 ½ feet apart.
  3. Turn your toes slightly inward so that the outer edges of your feet are parallel.
  4. Turn your right toes out 90 degrees, and anchor the outer edge of your left foot to the floor.
  5. Inhale and bring your arms to shoulder height, hands reaching away from you.
  6. Exhale and bend your right knee until it’s aligned over your ankle.
  7. Gaze past your right hand.
  8. Breath slowly and smoothly.
  9. Stay here for 20 to 30 seconds.
  10. Inhale and straighten your leg, then change sides.

Purifying pranayama

Alternate nostril breathing

Sanskrit: Anuloma Vlloma Pranayama


  1. Get comfortable in a meditation posture, eyes closed.
  2. Rest your left hand on your lap.
  3. Tuck your right index and middle fingers into your palm, leaving your thumb, ring, and pinky fingers extended.
  4. Take a normal inhalation, and then close your right nostril with your thumb.
  5. Exhale through your left nostril.

Here begins one round:

  1. Inhale through your left nostril.
  2. Close your left nostril with your ring finger, then open your right nostril and exhale.
  3. Inhale through your right nostril, then close your right nostril and exhale through your left nostril.
  4. Practice nine more rounds. All breaths should be easy, natural, and light.
  5. Release your hands when you’re finished and take natural breaths.

Muladhara is the root of the ida, pingala, and sushumna nadis (psychic channels). Alternate nostril breathing helps to purify these nadis. This awakens muladhara and ignites the dormant kundalini energy.

Activating mudra

Psychic gesture of knowledge

Sanskrit: Jnana Mudra


  1. Get comfortable in a meditation posture, eyes closed.
  2. Bend your index fingers, so that the fingertips touch the inside base of the thumbs.
  3. Keep your other fingers straight and relaxed.
  4. Place your hands on top of your knees, palms down.
  5. Hold the mudra for at least five minutes.

Placing the hands on the knees stimulates muladhara chakra by activating the hidden or gupta nadi. This energy channel runs along the insides of the thighs from the knees to the perineum.

While you may have heard the term chakra, you may not fully understand its importance to a holistic yoga session. Mastering Muladhara Chakra activation merely sets the user in motion for true self-realization and mindfulness. Instructors need to subtly guide students through different activation poses as they progress on their own paths. But when accidents occur, it’s important to have a safety net like yoga insurance in place to protect you and your business from potential liability. 


  • Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha. Bihar, India: Yoga Publications Trust, 2008.
  • Saraswati, Swami Satyananda. Kundalini Tantra. Bihar, India: Yoga Publications Trust, 1984.
Julie Bernier
Julie Bernier helps women to bring their bodies back into balance, whether they’re struggling with hormonal imbalances, period problems, digestive troubles, skin conditions, anxiety, depression, preparing for or recovering from giving birth, or any other dis-ease. This holistic approach to individualized wellness is rooted in ayurveda: a holistic system of healing from ancient India. Julie is a registered Ayurvedic Practitioner and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist with the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) as well as a Certified Massage Therapist. She studied each of these modalities in the US and straight from the source in India. Connect with Julie at trueayurveda.com or on IG at @juliebernier.