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July 2, 2019Inside The World of Yoga and Anatomy
July 16, 2019Tristan Gatto: beYogi Ambassador Spotlight

Tristan Gatto is more than just a yoga and anatomy expert, he's also a top selling DailyOM course creator with several years of experience helping people feel their best no matter their age or fitness level. He's helped thousands of clients heal their body through yoga and physical therapy-based movements that are not only effective but easy to learn.
Q: Where did you grow up? Where do you currently reside?
A: I grew up in a small town outside of Buffalo, New York. There was a lot of snow and cows! I currently reside in sunny Los Angeles, California. No more cold for me!
Q: How long have you been practicing yoga and what persuaded you to start studying anatomy?
A: I have been practicing yoga for almost a decade. When I was first invited to a yoga class I thought yoga was a joke initially. I finally broke down and went to my first class. The rest is history. I fell head over heels in love with it and I’ve been in a long term relationship with my practice since.
During this new discovery of yoga, I was in college studying physical therapy and of course anatomy is a key component of the program. I’ve always loved the study of the body and how we move and function as humans. Both PT and yoga are a perfect recipe for treating patients and also educating yoga students/teachers. I have been able to pull from both of these practices and develop my own methods for improving movement health and overall wellness in the yoga and healthcare community.
Photo Credit: Tristan Gatto
Q: What inspired you to teach yoga? How does anatomy tie into that?
A: It kind of hit me out of the blue one day during a practice. I thought to myself, “I think I could teach this.” At the end of class, the owner of the studio approached me and complimented my practice. She asked if I would ever consider teacher training, adding she would like to see me on her roster of teachers.
I signed up for my teacher training that day and I’ve been teaching ever since graduating my program. I was lucky enough to be asked to instruct the anatomy portions of the teacher trainings at the studio because I am a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant with a vast knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, and kinesiology.
Studying anatomy heavily and applying it to my workshops and teachings really amplified my career as a yoga instructor. More often than not, many teachers come out of trainings that have minimal emphasis on human movement, anatomy, and biomechanics. Hence why we have seen an influx of yoga injuries both in teachers and students. While not intentional, the general lack of advanced anatomy and movement knowledge puts many at risk.
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Q: Why did you decide to bring your expertise and teachings to Daily Om? What is your favorite thing about having this series of online courses?
A: I really love DailyOM’s mission to create more abundance and wellness in the world. It is a great platform to be a part of and they’ve been so good to me. They have allowed to me to reach and help thousands of people all over the world. I love that I am able to combine together physical therapy-based techniques and yoga to create programs that actually work!
Everything I create is vastly researched and reviewed by other movement specialists and healthcare providers to ensure complete safety for the masses. My mission is to get more people moving and invested in their movement health through easy-to-use information and techniques that are included within my courses.
Q: What have you learned since taking on a business venture like this?
A: The work is never done! Running a business like this requires you to wear so many different hats and if you’re not organized and have systems in place, you’re in trouble. I will typically perform one or more tasks toward my business everyday. Yes, I do take time off. But, since everything is online it’s hard to detach from emails, calls, and messages. You want to stay engaged with your audience and authentically answer questions and concerns.
I am in a unique situation as many people reach out to me about my courses and question if certain courses are a fit for certain issues they have going on with their body. While I’m not “treating” anyone, I am committed to making sure everyone who takes my courses is safe and not at risk for injury. I have no problem telling someone that a course may not be right for them as this is my way of ensure I’m doing everything with in my power to serve them best – even if it doesn’t exactly serve me business wise.
Photo Credit: Tristan Gatto
Q: Tell people more about your courses - what can these courses offer people?
A: With my courses on DailyOM, there is something for everyone. My courses always solve a problem whether it’s spinal issues, mobility issues, hip and knee pain, post workday pain and stress, or even something to amplify your fitness safely! Many of my courses are suitable for any age range or level and are super safe and effective. Not to mention, there a ton of tools available to yoga instructors and movement professionals looking for new methods and inspiration.
I also created the Spinal Reset Online Teacher Training, which has been such a valuable training for yoga instructors and movement professionals alike. I create this training because I feel strongly that there is not enough training available for yoga instructors to improve their anatomy and movement skills and gain specific knowledge toward working with a population that needs their expertise.
This 50-hour online teacher training educates yoga instructors and movement specialists how to work with and design practices for clients who specifically have back issues, in addition to, learning to market themselves to health care providers like Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Doctors, etc.
Keep in mind, 80 percent of people have back issues and not all asana is suitable for many of these individuals and requires deeper knowledge in human movement and pathologies in order to keep clients safe and advancing through their practice.
Teachers who have attended this training have tripled their income through referrals from healthcare providers and also private clients. I designed it as a one stop shop to not only gain the training needed to work with this population, but also the ability to easily market these skills once they are certified. I even incorporated expert interviews with leading Physical Therapists, Orthopedic and Neurology Physicians. Investing in knowledge is great, but if you don’t know how to market your expertise to clients who are hungry for what you have to offer, you unfortunately end up with no business.
Q: Who is one person that you look toward for inspiration? Do you have a mentor? If so, who and why?
A: Suzanne Somers. I love how invested she is in health and wellness. Her books are so great and informative. She is passionate about organic plant-based living, reducing toxins, and living your best life – not to mention she is a savvy business woman.
Throughout my different careers I have had multiple mentors who have shaped me into the person I am today. It would be difficult to identify just one as it’s unrealistic to receive everything you need from one single person. There are so many great perspectives and outlooks in business, marketing, coaching and creating that are available out there today.
Q: What is some advice that you would give to people who want to do what you’ve done with your courses on Daily Om?
A: Be really sure you’re in it for the long haul! But seriously, it’s a ton of work. People online make it look so simple and easy, but there are so many moving pieces and a ton of time that goes into creating courses. Not to mention investment in resources, equipment, and additional training.
Even once you’ve gone through the process of creating the course, then there’s the investment in marketing and selling the course. I’m not trying to discourage anyone, but I also don’t want to sugar coat the reality of this kind of business. I’ll be honest I went into it thinking it would be a piece of cake, but as I went deeper and deeper into my business I realized that you have to dig deep within yourself to keep going some days. Some days you will feel on top of the world and other days you will feel completely drained.
But in the end, is it worth all the effort? Absolutely.
Q: What is the biggest challenge that you face since launching your courses?
A: I am a one-man show. I don’t have a production team, copy writers, editors, etc. Everything I create is solely produced by me. I produce, write, film, edit, and curate every single course I’ve launched. It is a very time consuming process. There are days the lighting isn’t good, sound cuts outs, batteries die in the camera, environment sounds of sirens and airplanes that all effect the process of filming, which in turn makes the editing process longer. Not to bore you with details, but you have to have a good sense of humor when these things happen or else you’ll drive yourself crazy!
But the great thing is, once it’s done it’s done. That’s what keeps me going during the filming process - and my mom’s advice!
Q: What is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given? How do you incorporate that piece of advice into your daily life?
A: “Tristan, there is a bucket of sh*t in every job!” – courtesy of my mother. I still laugh when I think about this because she was right. No matter what you do career wise, no job or business is perfect. There will always be frustrations and disappointments. When you submit to that reality, it makes those frustrations much smaller and less disruptive.
When I start feeling the squeeze of frustration, I think of that quote and hear my mom’s voice in my head. Then I tell myself to “Chill out brotha!” But sometimes you have to give yourself permission to let those feelings of anxiety, disappointment, or frustration wash over you and then let it go.
Q: Tell me something you want people to know about you and your business?
A: Everything I teach and promote is 100 percent authentic, researched, and effective. When I am not actively working on my business, I am spending my time reading, researching, and educating myself further in business, anatomy and human movement, and more specifically the spine. I have made it my mission to specialize in the spine and continue to educate movement professionals in tools they can actively use with their clients. Happy clients always return and that is my way of creating more abundance and “health wealth” in the world. We need it now more than ever!
More Articles by Tristan Gatto:
Through my trainings, I want to give yoga instructors a leg up in the medical world and allow them the ability to be incorporated as part of a patient’s post treatment outcome. Once someone leaves medical care, they would be able to continue their progress with a Spinal Reset Certified yoga instructor or movement professional who has gained the tools through my trainings to best serve their client’s movement needs.
Q: Share with the yogi community, where they can find you! Social handles? Website?
A: My courses can be found on by searching Tristan Gatto.
Instagram: @iamtristangatto
Facebook: @tristangattoyoga.
Youtube: Yoga With Tristan
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