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January 20, 2021Business Self Care

Business self-care is not as challenging or different than what you would do on a daily basis to keep yourself healthy, happy, and wealthy.
Your business should be treated just like any relationship with someone you love. First of all it provides you with resources so that you can live the life that you want. So why would you treat it as a separate entity that doesn’t have maybe “feelings” or needs just like you do.
Your business is a direct investment into your #bestlifeever.
Making sure you take care of your goals, projects + actions just like you take care of yourself is huge. My business is like my best friend, or like my pet or like my child. I know it needs to be maintained and cared for so that it keeps providing for my life in an energy rich way.
When I think of business self-care, I go on these six main topics which help to provide clarity, awareness, and take an action towards my desired result.
Let’s begin with having a healthy body. What do you do on a daily basis to move your body so that it becomes stronger and has more energy? I would ask the same question of how you can create movement in your business. This can mean working on your business versus in your business, or creating a new way of working so that you see results quicker. What advice could you give your business to see more movement and more flow of energy versus stagnation?
Here are some tips:
Meditate and Radiate
You know how amazing meditation is. Now apply the same principles of meditation to your business. Perhaps you want to achieve a certain goal and feel stuck on how to get there and the wheels are spinning on overdrive.
Sit for a moment and meditate on the goal and end result you want. Visualize it, feel it and allow the clutter to melt away so that a clear path is forged on how to get there.
I take my clients through a future self meditation that helps them see their business and life in the future and that does exactly this!
Organization and Process
Go over all your systems and standard operating procedures and revise them to make sure that they’re organized, clean and see where there’s opportunity for arranging the way you do things. Making operating procedures, being crystal clear of your process both inside your company and outside, will make it easier to keep track of what’s working and how your time is being used efficiently.
Record how you do what you do. How do you onboard a client? What email do you send them when they’ve agreed to work with you? How do you track your revenue?
With ease also comes growth which is where you start asking for help! Make a list of all the things that you do to have your business run and ask yourself what takes the most amount of time and I like to do least and could be delegated to someone to help me.
Creative Flow
The next main area is the creativity space. Make space for the ideas that you keep putting off to have a more prominent role in your day to day.
Creativity is what can spark new ways of working, new revenue streams, and potentially open you up for more opportunities to work with others into growing your business and brand.
There are different phases in business: ideation, creation, implementation and scalability. The ideation and creation part are the two that create more opportunities for you to expand and explore how your work is manifested.
Creation is a divine inspiration where something that lives inside you comes to life. I see this as self care because it’s so pivotal in feeling excited and having fun in your business. At the end of the day, most of us are creative entrepreneurs and not having these moments of full expression stifle this part of our souls.
Mentoring and Community
Close your eyes for a moment and picture someone who was a guide, a teacher, a guru in your life and how they changed you. Remember that feeling of support, compassion and sometimes a stern correction. A mentor is there to keep you accountable, to support your decisions and make sure they’re as aligned to who you are and who you want to be as possible.
A mentor puts the mirror in front of you and helps you see your greatness and gives you the tools towards creating your ideal future. In business, having a mentor is a beautiful way to step into not feeling alone and have someone to bounce ideas or decisions of.
In that same realm, having a community of like minded individuals is so important! Feeling that essence of sister/brother hood is so valuable in your business health!
Celebrate Your Wins
Write down something that happened in the last week that you want to celebrate! Anything that made you smile, made you brag (even if it was to yourself) and made you proud. It is much easier to focus on what’s not working sometimes that we forget or miss the small wins.
This helps to rewire your brain so that it’s more positive and at the same token makes sure you pay attention to the ways your business is working. Everytime I’m coaching a client, we always start with wins! It sets us up for success from the beginning!
Move Your Body and Mind
Always keep moving. This is a motto of mine since I can remember! Move your body, move your mind, move your energy. This releases stagnation of unwanted heaviness and keeps your mind and body light.
Movement builds strength and flexibility which are 2 aspects of being a good leader and signs of a healthy business. Move yourself daily on a yoga mat or move yourself by working ON your business, vs always working IN your business. I guarantee you’ll get better results in no time!
I celebrate all the ways your keeping your business self-care on point and look forward to seeing you shine and grow!
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