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July 11, 2023Take Your Class Outside! Tips on Teaching an Outdoor Yoga Class

Guess what yogis and yoga instructors? Summer is here. You know what that means, don't you? Two words: outdoor yoga
That's right, yoga instructors, with the nice weather, sunshine, and plenty of daylight thanks to those long summer days, there's plenty of opportunity to take some of your indoor classes and bring them outside.
Sure, you might have to pivot a little and make sure your yogis are as interested in outdoor classes as you are, but odds are, if it's a nice temperature and that summer breeze is in the air, most students will love the opportunity to practice yoga outdoors while they can.
Of course, like with any change to your class structure, there are lots of considerations to think about before you set your class up, during your class, and even after.
In this blog, we're sharing a few elements of consideration, what you might need to know, and how to prepare to teach an outdoor yoga class (or classes) this summer.
How to Take Your Yoga Class Outside: Outdoor Yoga Tips
Before Your Outdoor Yoga Class
A lot of planning goes into teaching a yoga class outside. From location, to weather, to marketing and what to bring - it’s important to plan ahead!
The first step to planning an outdoor yoga class is choosing a location that will suit your needs. A few things to consider are:
- Proximity to you and most of your students
- Availability of shade at the time you want to teach your class
- Find some grass or other "flooring". Plan to walk the area beforehand. There could be a bee hive, duck/goose poop or an anthill that could cause problems for your class. Or an abundance of droppings that make it difficult to comfortably put your mat down.
- Be also sure to scout out the area at the time of day you intend to teach, so you know how crowded the area is and any other factors you may not have considered.
Your ideal location is somewhere quiet, with unlimited views of the sky, shaded, with even ground, and not too many passersby to cause distractions during class.
Location is the most important decision to make, but consistent marketing is the most important action you can take to build a successful outdoor class.
It’s always a good idea to collect your students’ email addresses to keep them informed of upcoming events. If you haven’t already started an email list one easy way to start one is by leaving an email address field in the waiver you ask them to sign before class. Make sure to ask permission to send them marketing emails.
Social Media
Posting your outdoor yoga classes info on social media is a great way to spread awareness of your classes. For your own safety, or if you simply prefer to keep the class semi-private you may not want to publicly announce where you will be to strangers you’re connected with on social media. Instead, encourage your students to DM you for the location in your posts, or create a private Facebook group or private Facebook event and only invite students who you know personally.
You can download our free Guide to Social Media for Yoga Teachers here.
If you have your student’s phone numbers, you can create a text group to keep them informed of upcoming classes. Be sure to send them a reminder a few hours before the day of and ask if they can make it!
Before the day of your class, make sure to have a liability waiver ready for your students to sign and ensure that your yoga teacher insurance covers outdoor classes, beYogi insurance covers you wherever you teach
Don’t forget to have each of your students sign the waiver before class begins. This is a great place to also collect email addresses.
What to Bring
After scouting the location and planning your sequence, you should have a pretty good idea of what you’ll need to bring for the class and what your students will need to bring. If your sequence requires props, make sure to inform your students to bring their own, and/or plan to bring enough for your students.
Other things you may want tp consider:
- Natural bug spray
- Sunscreen
- Extra towels
- Water
- Speaker for music
- Extra mats or blankets if the terrain is rocky or uneven.
If you plan to give hands on assists, it’s a good idea to bring hand sanitizer to use in between students. And remember, it is extremely important to receive consent before providing hands on adjustments.
Depending on the terrain, you may want to request that your students bring thicker mats or two mats for comfort if you’ll be practicing on rocky/uneven ground.
During Your Outdoor Yoga Class
Plan for things to not go according to plan.
Sometimes inclement weather comes up unexpectedly. Have a Plan B location, and a cancellation policy. Get RSVP’s from students beforehand so you can reach out to them directly in case of a last minute change of plans.
Move around
As a general rule, while you’re teaching it’s nice to move around so students stay engaged, can see you, and can hear you. When you’re outdoors, sound carries differently. It’s even more important to move around your students so that they can more easily see and hear you.
Keep safety in mind
Notice where your students are keeping their belongings. I encourage them to keep them close by just in case. Be aware of any possible dangers in the area. As always, follow appropriate yoga safety guidelines
Get inspired by the natural setting
The benefit of an outdoor yoga class: Encourage your students to take in the beauty, smells, sounds, and sensations around them. Practicing within studio walls is a controlled environment, whereas outdoors you can really play on your surroundings to invoke a state of peace. Get creative about how you connect with the earth and the energy around you with unique flows.
Take photos when appropriate! Some students love getting candid shots of themselves practicing yoga. Get permission beforehand, and be willing to delete any photos that your students don’t approve of. At the very least remember to take a group photo at the end of class.
After Your Outdoor Yoga Class
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