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January 13, 20155 Ways to Stay Grounded During the Holi-Daze

Ah, December: you whirlwind of a month. Breezing in right after Thanksgiving and, in the blink of an eye, it’s New Years. Before you know it, whole weeks of your life have flown by—or at least it feels that way. During arguably the most chaotic time of the year, it’s easy to get lost in the holi-daze. Here are some tips to keep you grounded and centered during the yuletide months, so that you can show up for yourself and, at the same time, be fully present for everyone else in your life.
1. Value your time.
Be aware of your commitments, and ground yourself by investing your time wisely. When you feel rushed or chaotic, a molehill of a problem can easily feel like a mountain. Know your personal bandwidth, and choose your commitments based on that. When you overcommit, it causes stress both for you and the people you’re with. Make decisions on how you are spending your time this holiday, and stick to them.
2. Breathe.
Just finding time to pay attention to your inhale and your exhale can do wonders. Sneak in a minute to sit quietly with your breath. If you have the time to do a five-minute meditation, that’s even better. When you start to tune into your body and your internal cues, you can navigate the world at your speed and not get tripped up by everything going on around you.
3. Connect with others.
Sometimes during the holidays, you may just want to hole yourself up away from all of the hoopla, but connection is actually one of the best ways to get back on your feet. Find the connection that speaks to you—it may be taking a group yoga class or getting together with good friends—and allow yourself to be present in that moment without your phone or distractions. Soak up the energy, and create an internal good vibes vault that you can pull from over the holidays.
4. Spend time in nature.
Take some time outside. Being in nature reminds us we are part of something much bigger than ourselves, and that can have a very grounding effect. Take a barefoot walk with family on the beach, go on a long hike, or simply find a moment to meditate outdoors—it’s as easy as sitting in your backyard. Our bodies recharge and reset when we are present in nature, and this can be a very healing experience.
5. Find gratitude.
One of the easiest (and quickest) ways to ground yourself during the holidays is to find gratitude. Start by closing your eyes and finding gratitude simply for this moment. Then move outward, and find gratitude for your friends and family. Keep expanding the circle, and find gratitude for neighbors and acquaintances. Moving outward, find gratitude for nature, for breathing—for all things. Tap into that practice whenever you feel overwhelmed, and things will start to move into a much clearer perspective, making life feel much more grounded and manageable.
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