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June 7, 2016On the Path to a Successful Yoga Career

If you are planning on starting a career as a yoga teacher, both teaching and the business world can go hand in hand. While teaching skills are the most important aspect of creating a successful career, what is often neglected are the skills needed to be your own boss and a spiritual entrepreneur of sorts.
Keep it organized
Organization and scheduling your day or week is key to creating an abundance of clients and classes. It also helps to maintain an even energy level to ensure you don’t get burnt out or even begin to dislike teaching. Focusing on a schedule that supports your goals both financially and personally is a great yoga business practice.
Grow your brand
As a new teacher, try to focus on growing your brand and envisioning yourself as the product. This can be difficult when, as yogis, we are trying to move away from ego.
It is important to keep the sense of respect and awareness to the type of people we want to attract to our classes and what image we want the public to see. Connection to the third chakra (manipura) can help maintain your center and guide you when creating your public persona.
All about balance
Focus on one specific area of teaching as you have more hours and classes under your belt, which can lead you to workshops and intensives. Finding a marketing strategy that aligns with your personality is also important, as you want to keep authenticity to who you are and what you teach.
Balancing this out might take time, but having a solid identity and creating a consistent campaign that reflects your true self, will help create a lasting effect.
Find your strength
An entrepreneur needs discipline to handle the different aspects of a yoga-based business. Find what skills are your strongest and where you might need to improve, so that you can have a more balanced approach.
If you are an amazing teacher, but your sales skills are not as strong, then perhaps your workshop or class will not be at full capacity. If your marketing skills are stellar but you don’t have good time management, then you might double book yourself or miss an appointment.
You can’t be an expert at everything and you don’t want to be overwhelmed with tasks that don’t serve your highest purpose.
Go with the flow
With time and experience, you will find your flow and create a sustainable life to ensure happiness and health for your whole business. Allow yourself to be guided by those who are successful and offer your services to a mentor who can teach you the skills you are looking for.
In the end we all want to be at the highest service to others. Put your brand out there to show the world that yoga teachers can be both smart and successful.
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