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Online Yoga Teaching Tips for Beginners

A yoga teacher shares her online teaching tips for beginners in her webinar.

In this webinar, new yoga teachers–or yoga teachers new to teaching online–will learn helpful guidance from an online teaching pro herself, Ashley Hagen. Ashely shares tips, insight, and what she's learned in her years of online teaching. 

Online Yoga Teaching Tips for Beginners 

Yoga teachers of all levels will glean insight from this webinar in some for or another.

In this webinar, users will explore the following points with Ashley: 

Your Reason for Teaching

Explore the importance of finding your purpose as an online yoga teacher. Discovering your unique motivation and passion will not only guide your teaching style but also help you connect with your students on a deeper level. Reflect on why you chose to become a yoga teacher and let it be the guiding force behind your online teaching journey.

Fears that Stop You from Teaching Online

Addressing the fears that may be holding you back is crucial for your growth as an online teacher. We will discuss common fears such as fear of technology, fear of being judged, and fear of not being good enough. By acknowledging these fears, reframing them as opportunities for growth, and taking steps towards overcoming them, you can build the confidence necessary to thrive in the online teaching space.

Equipment Recommendations for Online Teaching

From cameras and microphones to lighting setups and props, we will discuss the different options available at various price points. Understanding the equipment requirements and making informed choices will enhance the quality of your online classes and provide a more immersive experience for your students.

How to Get People to Join Your Classes

Getting people to join your online yoga classes requires proactive efforts and a belief in the value you offer. Here are four key strategies to attract students: 1. Understand your reason for teaching. 2. Keep up with your personal practice. 3. Believe in what you do. 4. Invite all the time. 

Additional Resources

Create an Online Yoga Course ($97)

This 5 lesson mini-course was created to help yoga teachers understand online course creation and promotion, beginning with how to create and sell an “introductory" yoga course. http://ashesyoga.com/beginner

About Ashley

Ashley Hagen is an online yoga teacher and business coach who helps other yoga teachers transform into confident online entrepreneurs. Ashley went from teaching 15+ yoga classes per week and owning a local studio to running her yoga business 100% online. With a background in marketing & graphic design, she now combines her skills with her passion in order to help yoga teachers navigate the world of online yoga teaching, course creation and business building.

Find Ashley at:

Lizzy Prindle
Lizzy has been practicing yoga for over four years. She found her practice as her collegiate swimming career was ending; looking for a new hobby she began taking yoga classes and never looked back. She has carried her yogi mindset into her role as beYogi’s brand manager. Working alongside many teachers, studio owners, and yoga brands she has helped expand beYogi’s all-inclusive yoga insurance policy into an education-based membership offering much more than coverage.