ARH-dah KAH-po-TAHS-anna
Ardha = half
Kapota = pigeon
- Cleanses the liver
- Restorative energy
- Opens the hips deeply
- Releases stored emotions
- Hip pain or strain
- Knee pain or strain
How To
- Beginning from Downward Facing Dog, or a tabletop position, draw your right knee to rest directly behind your right wrist
- Extend your left leg out long behind you
- Point your left toes towards the back of your space
- Work to bring your right shin somewhat parallel to the top edge of your mat
- Keep your right foot fairly flexed to protect your right knee
- Inhale to prepare, find a tall spine and a lifted heart
- Exhale, walk your hands out in front of you and come to rest your forehead onto the ground, a block, or your forearms
- To release, walk your upper body back up so that your shoulders rest over your hips
- Press back into Downward Facing Dog, or tabletop, and then repeat on the left side
Modify or Replace
- Rest a block underneath your right hip, when your right leg is bent, if your hip is lifted
- Find figure-four on your back if you feel notable pain or strain in your bent knee
- Rest a blanket under your knees or hips for added support
Sequencing Tips
- Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
- Table Top (Bharmanasana)
- King Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
- Mermaid Pose
Teaching Cues
- Eventually, your shin will become parallel to the top of your mat when you are in Resting Half Pigeon, try not to rush it
- Heavy your hips to the ground and allow them to be level with one another
- Resting Half Pigeon with forehead on a block
- Resting Half Pigeon with your back leg bent (Deer Pose)
Watch Out For
- Floating hips
- Immense rounding in your back when folding forward
- Unlevel hips