- Releases tension in the low back, shoulders, and neck
- Lengthens and stretches the spine
- Calms the central nervous system
- Stretches the hips, knees, thighs, and ankles
- Increases blood circulation
- Gently massages the internal organs
- Knee injuries
- Pregnancy
- Low blood pressure
- Ear or eye infections
- Ankle injuries
- Kneel down and let the tops of your feet rest on the floor. Touch your big toes together. Then lower your hips back and sit on your heels.
- Join your knees together or separate them hip-distance apart.
- Hinge at the hips and slowly fold forward. Rest the torso over your thighs if the knees are joined; and between your thighs if the knees are wide.
- Extend your arms in front of you and place the palms down on the mat. Or extend the arms behind you, alongside your torso, with palms facing up.
- Release your shoulders toward the ground and rest your forehead (third eye) on the mat in front of your knees.
- Keep your hands and arms engaged in Child’s pose. Reach forward or backward depending on your hand placement.
- Stay in this pose for 5-10 breaths. Press through the tailbone and rise to come out of the pose.
- Reclined Knees to Chest pose
- Place a blanket beneath the sitting bones if you cannot comfortably sit down on your heels.
- If you cannot reach your head to the floor, place a blanket under the forehead to bring the floor to you.
- Relaxes the body before or after any asana
- Particularly nice as a counterpose for backbends
- Lengthen and widen the spine with each inhale. Sink deeper into the pose with each exhale.
- Keep the arms engaged by reaching through the hands.
- Sink down into the hips.
- Relax the shoulders down, away from the ears.
- Spread your knees as wide as your mat and let your chest come down between your legs.
- Extend your arms behind you, palms facing up, to relax your shoulders.
- With your arms extended in front of you, flip your palms toward the sky and rotate the shoulders externally.
- Hips extremely high
- Unable to place head on the floor