There’s no greater joy in your career than taking a proactive approach to helping your students find peace, mental and physical strength, and the practice of […]
Many yogis take a look at their life choices with a fresh pair of eyes. They begin to see through a different lens, marked by love and appreciation for self.
Frog Pose, or Adho Mukha Mandukasana, is a pose that can be easy and comfortable for some students, but challenging and uncomfortable for others. This inner thigh […]
As a yoga teacher, you care about the health and wellness of your students.As a businessperson in the yoga industry, you also want those students to […]
Unless you live under a rock these days, your systems are more than likely overwhelmed, especially your nervous system. One expert, Bessel van der Kolk, a […]
There are a wide variety of yoga props available to enhance any yoga practice.The most popular to use are blocks, blankets, straps, and bolsters which come […]