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March 15, 2016Kids Yoga Day to Take Place April 8 in 37 States and 12 Countries

Kids Yoga Day creator, bestselling author Teresa Anne Power, says at 11 a.m. on April 8th, about 12,000 kids will spend time doing fun yoga poses and celebrating fitness at schools and other locations.
Thousands of schoolchildren around the world, including those in at least 37 states in the U.S., will put down their books and let their imaginations run free as they mold themselves into trees, flamingos, windmills, kites and other kid-friendly yoga positions. They will be joined by children at home and other locations, all led by more than 100 official ambassadors to raise global awareness about yoga for kids. It’s all part of the first annual Kids Yoga Day envisioned by Teresa Anne Power, a bestselling author whose latest book, The ABCs of Yoga for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Teachers, is being released the same day.
An internationally recognized expert on children’s yoga and author of the beautifully illustrated The ABCs of Yoga for Kids—a book that sold more than 250,000 copies in four languages—Power says few people understand how powerful yoga can be. More than a great way to become fit, she says parents who practice yoga with their children get a bonus: stronger relationships with them. “When you both do something healthy and fun, you will get closer,” she observes, noting that the type of yoga she favors is playful and does not involve any chanting.
Power discusses:
- Specific yoga poses that channel the excess energy of children with ADD and ADHD.
- 6 ways yoga can pave the way for lifetime habits of health and fitness.
- Why childhood is not an extreme sport and moderation is the key to a healthy, whole child.
- Yoga myths adults believe, including that they are not flexible enough to teach their children yoga.
About Teresa Anne Power
Teresa Anne Power is an avid yoga practitioner, teacher and speaker who has been featured in USA Today, on Fox 11 in Los Angeles and other major media. She volunteers at Let’s Move West, LA., Children’s Bureau, Corrections for Children and other places. Her mission is to spread the word about the benefits of yoga to as many children as possible. She has devoted years to planning International Kids’ Yoga Day, which is expected to draw 12,000 participants.
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