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April 24, 2023How To Create An Excellent Online Course

Online courses seem a dozen a dime these days–but they're popular for a reason. Creating an online yoga course is a lucrative concept, but more than that, it's a great way to provide a reliable and educational resource for those seeking knowledge.
The tough part isn't coming up with an online course–it's the execution. What sets an average online course apart from an excellent one? This webinar is here to provide those answers.
Expert Rachel Scott, founder of Rachel Yoga, is sharing her insight and experience with us in this webinar. She'll provide tips and expert advice on how to take your idea for an online course and give it life.
How to Create an Online Yoga Course
Doing It Right
Creating an online yoga course has pivoted from “nice to have” to “need to have.” However, we want to do it right. In this session, you’ll get the brass tacks scoop on how to create a quality online offering that offers lasting value to your community.
Create Professional Resilience
Creating online offerings are an essential part of creating income resilience, and generating revenue beyond a pay by the hour structure. Creating quality online courses can help you provide value to your community, generate revenue, and expand your brand.
Create Professional Resilience
Creating online offerings are an essential part of creating income resilience, and generating revenue beyond a pay by the hour structure. Creating quality online courses can help you provide value to your community, generate revenue, and expand your brand.
Think like an Educator, Not Just an Expert
As yoga teachers, we are passionate experts in something we love. But being an expert isn’t quite the same thing as being an educator. Learn to transmute your passion and skills into effective and transformational education.
About Rachel Scott
Rachel Scott combines thousands of hours of teacher training experience with her academic expertise (MSc Online Education) to help yoga teachers and studios create transformational educational experiences.
Find her at rachelyoga.com or on social media @rachelscottyoga.
Download this helpful resource from Rachel, Five Things All Educators Should Know
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