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April 18, 2019Danielle Radulski: beYogi Ambassador Spotlight

Meet one of beYogi's newest ambassadors - Danielle Radulski!
Danielle is a yoga teacher, wellness blogger, business marketer, and world traveler. Her passion for yoga and all things healthy living make her the perfect addition to the beYogi tribe. Throughout the month of April, Danielle will be writing about all things business related - providing all of the business savvy yogis out there with quality advice for taking their yoga business to the next level.
You can learn more about Danielle by following her on Instagram and by visiting her blog!
Danielle's Instagram: @danielle_radulski
Danielle's Yoga Blog: The Silver Lining Yoga
Danielle's Marketing Business: The Silver Lining Group
Q+A With Danielle Radulski
Where did you grow up?
Born and raised in New York! I moved around a lot, but have always lived in the suburbs about 90 minutes from New York City.
How long have you been practicing yoga?
8 years!
What inspired you to become a yoga teacher?
I never thought of myself as a “yogi” and when I tried yoga again in my early 20’s — I didn’t expect to like it at all, let alone as much as I did. Once a daily practice became part of my life, I realized how much better it made me feel, and how much it improved my quality of life. I owe a lot of that to my teachers. I really look up to my teachers and truly wanted to teach because I wanted to help other people fall in love with the practice the way I did.
What is your favorite thing about the yoga practice?
How much strength there is in moving slow and being present (both on and off the mat)!
What has yoga taught you about yourself?
So many things, but one of the first things that comes to mind is that I inherently move really fast. I tend to jump from point A to point B without much mind or intention. Yoga helps me slow down and realize that there is so much beauty in moving slow — both mentally and physically.
What are your go-to/must-have yoga accessories?
All of my Yoga Hustle goodies — I love their Mat, Blocks and Straps! Also a huge fan of practicing in anything from Beyond Yoga (so soft and an unbeatable fit)!
Who is the yogi that you look toward for inspiration? Do you have a favorite teacher? If so, who and why?
I took a class with Caley Alyssa at Wanderlust last year and fell in love with her teaching and style. She taught a “vinyasaless vinyasa” class and I was mind-blown with her knowledge, style of teaching, and the way she connected everything in the practice.
What is the story behind Silver Linings Yoga? Why did you decide to start The Silver Linings Group?
I started Silver Linings Yoga when I began teaching yoga as a way to highlight my healthy living ideas, tips and tricks! It’s also where I list and promote my weekly classes and retreats.
In regards to The Silver Linings Group — I’ve been working in the marketing field for about eight years and after a few corporate jobs I decided I wanted to work more on my own and also in a remote role. After a few years at that — through networking and referrals I started to take on more and more clients to the point where I needed to hire some amazing humans to help me.
During this time, I also found that many small businesses in my area were not getting the marketing exposure and help they deserved because of budgetary reasons — so I want to really be the middle ground between small businesses and large agencies. We’re a small team of three or four but love what we do — bringing mindful marketing to businesses all over the world at an affordable price point.
What is some advice that you would give to new yoga teachers?
Don’t ever get too attached to your class plan (if you have one) and learn to read the room! They say you’re not Nutella — you can’t please everyone, and the same thing goes for yoga teachers!
Not everyone will jive with your teaching style and that’s more than okay! Go into your classes with good intentions, care for others and the rest will fall into place.
What have been some of your favorite business ventures since entering the yoga world? Do you have a favorite yoga teacher training? Have you worked with other teachers who inspired you?
I have worked on retreats with a colleague (and friend) of mine — Nicole Glassman. She is not a yoga teacher but an entrepreneur in the health and wellness world. She leads chakra women’s retreats and I’ve been lucky enough to teach yoga at her events. She inspires me to think outside of the box, and overall just be a better person!
If you were a yoga pose, what pose would you be and why?
Half Moon Pose — a little bit of balance, a lot of strength.
What is one thing that you would recommend to yoga newbies?
Listen to your body and take all things with a grain of salt. Cues are a great way to get an idea for a pose/shape/sequence — but listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right — don't do it. All bodies are different — and that means sometimes the “right” way to do a pose, may not be “right” for you!
What is the biggest challenge that you face within the yogi community? What are some things that you’d like to see change?
This is a tough one! I think the hardest thing for me is not comparing myself to other people. It’s easy to see others and question why we can’t do that or didn’t get that — but at the end of the day — we’re all on our own unique and beautiful journeys!
What is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given? How do you incorporate that piece of advice into your daily life?
One of the first yoga classes I ever took that really helped me fall in love with the practice was led by an amazing teacher at Yoga to the People in the East Village in New York City. She closed the practice by saying — if there’s one thing you do every single day — name five things your grateful for. It could be something simple, or complex — but find gratitude for what you have…to this day it is something I do.
Share with the yogi community, where they can find you! Social handles? Website? YTTs? Events/Retreats that you may be involved in?
Yes, yes, yes! For all social media (especially Instagram) my handle is @danielle_radulski — my yoga website is and my marketing website. I have a couple upcoming retreats — June 20-24, 2019 is a Women’s Chakra Retreat to Old Saybrook, CT and a Mexico 2020 Retreat with Mundo Adventures (more info coming soon!).
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